G. Dumont, J. Henry, C.O. Tarniceriu, A theoretical connection between the noisy leaky integrate-and-fire and escape rate models: the non-autonomous case,
G. Dumont, J. Henry, C.O. Tarniceriu, Theoretical connections between mathematical neuronal models corresponding to different expressions of noise, p 31-41, vol.406, 2016, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier.
G. Dumont, J. Henry, C.O. Tarniceriu, Noisy threshlold in neuronal models: connections with the noisy leaky integrate and fire model, p 1413-1436, vol.73, issue 6-7, 2016, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Springer.
G.Dumont, J. Henry, C.O. Tarniceriu, A Density Model for A Population of Theta-Neurons, Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, SpringerOpen Journals
A. Garenne, J. Henry, C.O. Tarniceriu, Analysis of Synchronization in a Neural Population by a Population Density Approach, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 5-25, 2010.
C.O. Tarniceriu, Optimal Strategy for a Harvesting Problem of Population Dynamics with Logistic Term, „Analele Ştiintifice ale Universităţii Al. I. Cuza Iaşi”, 56 (fasc I), 2010, 25-38.
C.O. Tarniceriu , Asymptotic behavior for a nonlinear age-structured population model with diffusion, Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Al. I. Cuza Iaşi, fasc. 2 (Tomul LIV), 2008.
S. Anita, C.O. Tarniceriu, Stabilization for a periodic predator-prey system, Abstract and Applied Analysis (ISI), volume 2007 .
C.O. Tarniceriu, V.M.Veliov , Optimal Control for a Class of Size-Structured Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4818, Springer Verlag, 456-462,2008.